Working to Provide the
Best Services Possible for Your Green Investment
Contact Us: 707-319-5705

Fix It First and Save!!
Looking to save some money? Here is our guide to troubleshooting and repairing your solar pool system.
* Small Leaks: Call 707-319-5705 and schedule a technician to service your solar.
* Large Leak: Turn off pool circulation, wait 30 mins, Turn off the solar control (manual solar valve), Close solar isolation valves, Turn pool circulation back on, Call for service. Inform Sun Marshall of steps taken.
* Verify that the Solar Isolation Valves (refer to Solar Pool Heating Diagram) are open.
* Verify solar control is set to AUTO (if applicable) and the TEMP CONTROL is turned up. If solar has an AUTO and ON option it should be on AUTO. (ON will keep keep water cycling through the panels whether the exterior of the panels are hot or cold, allowing it to not only feed hot back into your pool, but cold as well.)
* Some Pools have Control Centers, which have solar in them. Consult Pool Control Manual about how to manage the solar function.
* Verify that No warning lights or Indicators are active.
* Verify that the Filter Pressure increases (cartridge filters 7-11 psi) when solar is turned on, if no solar boost pump is present. Otherwise, Verify Boost Pump is On.
* Verify the Valve Actuator is not in the OFF position on the rear of valve cover. To set Actuator to correct setting call Sun Marshall and we will talk you through it.
* Pool Water Features, like waterfalls and fountains, cool down pool water. They should be used on a limited basis when trying to gain solar heat.
* Check the pool Temp reading in the morning and the afternoon when the solar turns off. A solar gain should be experienced, based on the time of the year. (Hot Spring day is usually 5 degrees from start to finish)
* Verify all debris baskets & filters are clean and the pool is at the proper level.
If all the above check out OK, then note all settings, status and reading above and call:
(707) 319-5705
Pool Equipment Problems and Air Bubbles:
Pool Equipment Problems:
* If problems don’t change in any way when the solar is turned on or off, it is unlikely related to the solar. If we are called out to check a problem and it is not solar related, a standard service rate will be charged, even if no work is actually performed.
* Air Bubbles: There are three usual reasons for air bubbles at the return jets. The first two are because of solar.
The first is that the water is falling off the roof faster than is being delivered causing cavitation in the pipe. This could be an indication that your filter pump is failing, there's not enough water in the pool, or that your variable pump speed is too low for solar.
Second, due to a pressure imbalance on the roof by plumbing design or weak flow rate, a leak in the solar on the roof is pulling air instead of squirting water.
Third, there is a leak in the plumbing between the filter pump and the main drain or a leak in the leaf basket
Either way, if you isolate the solar and the problem remains, the solar loop is not responsible.
If air bubbles are constant, but do not go away when the solar is off, the same charges applies as it does to Pool Equipment Problems.
*If Issues change based on the ON or OFF setting of the solar, it is more probable that it is the solar. If it is found to be a solar related problem, installation and manufactures warranties MAY apply. Check website for current pricing.